Topic areas and schedule 
Advanced Assessment and Management of Periodontal Diseases
This experience is designed to present periodontal literature from early classic articles to current publications pertaining to the scientific basis of periodontal diagnosis, etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, prognosis, indications for and expected outcomes of periodontal therapies. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation of medical and dental histories, radiographic and clinical findings, prognosis, treatment planning and non-surgical and surgical techniques utilized for the management of periodontal diseases. This experience involves observation of clinical procedures.
Advanced Dental Implantology
This experience is designed to present the literature from early classic articles to current publications pertaining to the scientific basis of dental implants, including simple to complex site preparation. Emphasis is placed on patient assessment, diagnosis, interdisciplinary considerations, treatment planning, surgical techniques, wound healing and osseointegration, and implant maintenance. This experience involves observation of clinical procedures and hands-on demonstrations.
Research in Periodontics I
This experience is designed to provide an introduction to research study design, use of biostatistical methods, critical appraisal of published articles and writing of scientific manuscripts. Emphasis is placed on identifying research questions, conducting literature reviews, developing research protocols, collecting and analyzing data and presenting research findings. This experience involves observation with clinical procedures and hands-on demonstrations.
Research in Periodontics II
This experience is designed to emphasize identifying research questions, conducting literature reviews, developing research protocols, collecting and analyzing data and presenting research findings. Includes practical experience conducting a research project. Experience is repeatable for the duration of the research project.
Sample Weekly Schedule
- 1 ½ days: Seminars and lectures
- 1 ½ days: Clinic related activities, including clinical observation, hands-on simulation, digital dentistry training
- 2 days: Direct research activities
(Schedule may be tailored to the students’ individual interests and changed based on resource availability.)